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Monday, January 17, 2011

Business Facts Swallow, Online Articles

Monday, January 17, 2011
Business Facts Swallow


Bird's Nest is an insectivorous birds which are Aerial and likes to glide. This bird is dark, flying rapidly with body size medium / small, and has a narrow crescent-shaped wings and pointy, very small feet so did his beak and bird species has never perched in a tree.

Swallow has a habit of living in the caves or houses are quite humid, dimly lit until dark and use a palate to attach the nest as a resting and breeding place.


Swallow classification is as follows:
* Superorder: Apomorphae
* Order: Apodiformes
* Family *: Apodidae
* Sub-Family: Apodenae
* Tribes: Collacaliini
* Genera: Collacalia
* Species: Collacaliafuciphaga


The result of this is the nest swiftlet farms made of saliva (saliva). Swallow nest is in addition to having high prices. Swallow nest is useful to heal the lungs, heartburn, blood circulation and energy booster.

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Julian Paul Assange - Profile & Biography , Online Articles

Who is Julian Paul Assange, owner WikiLeaks?

Julian Assange born in Australia on July 3, 1971. Julian Assange used to be a publisher and Internet activist. Prior to founding WikiLeaks in 2006, Julian Assange also known as a hacker (hackers) are known, students of mathematics, and physics as well as a computer programmer.

Childhood Julian Assange

This blond man rarely gets during his little formal education. Since childhood, Julian Assange sedentary life. Julian Assange live switching for 37 times before he was 14 years old. Julian Assange often switch schools, and even not infrequently forced to school at home.

Adolescent Period Julian Assange

In 1987 when aged just 16 years Assange Julian, Julian Assange become a hacker. Name Mendax password. Together with two other hackers, Julian Assange start making group, called the International Subversives. They are not destructive programs hackers, but to steal information and share it to the public.

Julian Assange and his group have recorded access to a university in Australia. Also into Nortel, a Canadian telecommunications company and other organizations. In 1991 Julian Assange arrested. A year later, Julian Assange guilty to 24 charges related to hacker activity. Julian Assange free of that year by paying AU $ 2,100 bail.

In 2006, Julian Assange along with nine others set up WikiLeaks. But Julian Assange known only as Julian Assange featured as vocal spokesman. WikiLeaks initial goal is to give something back, to companies that act unethically, and help eradicate corruption in public institutions.

Julian Paul Assange - Profile & Biography Originally published in Shvoong:

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Congresswoman Reportedly Shot in Arizona, News , Online Articles

Gabrielle Giffords,
A member of Congress American woman was shot and is in critical condition Saturday while attending a meeting with residents in his district in Arizona, a state in the American southwest.
Officials said the Democratic Congressman Gabrielle Giffords who represents Arizona's shot in the head. He is one of the 18 injured people were hit outside a supermarket shopping center in Tucson.

Director of trauma surgery at the University of Arizona hospital, where Giffords treated, Dr. Peter Rhee, said he underwent surgery for his wounds and was in critical condition. He said he was optimistic the Giffords will recover.

Rhee said the hospital received 10 victims, including five in critical condition and a child died.

President Barack Obama assess the shooting as a sad tragedy. House Speaker John Boehner said he was shocked by the attack, citing as heartless.


Members of the Democratic Congress, Gabrielle Giffords (40 years)
Giffords 40-year-old held a meeting with residents who voted in a shopping center department. Officials said the FBI is investigating the shooting, and a suspect has been arrested.

Meanwhile, U.S. government officials expressed anger over the shooting of a member of the American Congress, Gabrielle Giffords. President Obama called the attack as a tragedy for the whole country. Told reporters on Saturday he said, Giffords were shot while listening to the hopes and concerns of its neighbors.
Speaker of the House Republican John Boehner said he was shocked over the attack. Boehner said the "acts and threats of violence against public officials there is no place in our society."

In the House minority leader Nancy Pelocy also condemned the violence. He says, "with profound sadness that we heard the news of the attack and called it a national tragedy."

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said, there's no room for acts of violence that heartless.

Former presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, who represents Arizona, said the shooting Gliffords a terrible tragedy and has made him and America shock.

Governor of Arizona in January Brewer said he was saddened to hear of news and portray it as a public official Gliffords a virtuous and loving.

Congresswoman Reportedly Shot in Arizona Originally published in Shvoong:

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The European Central Bank Keep the Mainly Director Rate Voluntary Low , News Online Article


Indeed, the cutting spending taken in further European countries notably in the public sector should improve the public debt of these countries. We can use the famous English proverb “wait and see”. The EBC seeks to avoid increasing the interest rate in order to keep borrowing cost acceptable, notably for the European country already heavily indebted like Greece, Portugal, and Ireland. Furthermore, the forecasting of inflation wasn’t excepted to 2.2 per cent in December 2010, the EBC forecasted a rate lower.

Adding that, the plans of cutting spending in the public sector launched by many Europeans countries could be weighed on the inflation. Also, according the analysts this inflation will be here and could increase slowly all along of year 2011. Adding that, the speculation on the raw material could equally reinforce the inflation. Mr.Trichet called all the members of European Union to be vigilant. According to him, they must privileged quantity and quality but especially flexibility. Equally, the new stress test will be realized but this once according to EBC criteria. The Stock-holders equity will be observed of near.

These tests will be done in the first quarter of year 2011 in order to give the results for the spring. The last test will show that only seven banks on ninety one don’t respect the debt ratio. The small numbers of bank couldn’t borrow on the open market, the rate being too high and have being obliged to do call to EBC lending them to one rate that they can reimbursed. We can note equally that in 2013, all the capital that detain banks could be foreclosure for erase the debt, and the shareholders could be also paid the debts before the taxpayers.

It’s the time to show that the European financial regulation holds the road…

The European Central Bank Keep the Mainly Director Rate Voluntary Low Originally published in Shvoong:

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Download Macromedia Dreamweaver Mx , Online Articles

Download Macromedia Dreamweaver MX

What is Dreamweaver MX? Simply the best program for making web pages that exist! I'm sure many Web designers will have agreement on that. With Dreamweaver MX anyone can start making your own Website. The program has a good visual interface to build pages, that is, allows you to make the pages without having to keep editing the HTML code. However, it is worth remembering that many features of Dreamweaver MX will not be used if you have no knowledge of the main language the site is critical, such as JavaScript, PHP, XML, etc..

The site indicated that enables you to download free Dreamweaver MX, in a trial version, where you can enjoy all the features of the program as a test drive car, however with time the program stops working asking You buy permits to use. The most clever can circumvent this process by obtaining the serial numbers and registration necessary for you to use the program normally.For these process tricks the program, making it appear that you bought without buying anything.

Piracy apart. I recommend everyone try out features of Dreamweaver MX. Download and start using the program in minutes:

Download Macromedia Dreamweaver Mx Originally published in Shvoong:

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tips for Manage Your Online Shop

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
While Online Shop is not the real shop, you also need to manage it carefully. You should sit in front of the computer everyday, every step is very important. Here is an online shop manager's experience sharing with us.

1. You should make the title of your online shop simple and clear.

If one word can say your products and business, you should not write too long. Because the customer will click to see more detailed description. Too long or cumbersome title will cause trouble for the search engine.

2. Show the description as detailed as possible.
The detailed description can promote your products. The customers managed to come to your shop, if your description are poor, make the customer confused, they will leave.

3. Using the products pictures as clear as possible.

High-quality images for products and business opportunities is very important. After all, customers can not see the item on the Internet, without pictures or pictures are very small and very vague, the customers will get the poor first impressions. If a product with advertising like quality images, that will be attract the customers more.

4. Update the products should be do timely:
You should update your products and information. If an customer click a product and place the order, and then you are aware of that the item is out of stock, that will be terrible.

5. The importance of managing the Online Shop Keywords:

6. The best categories you should choose.

7. Managing the Online Shop to create a products category:
If your number of products are many different product categories into product lines will make your site more clean, so that when customers see a clearer more structured.

8.Do not post duplicate messages on your online shop:

Do not think that the information released more than other people see the chances will increase. When customers enter your site to see a lot of duplication of information, ultimately, the opposite effect will cause customers do not trust that the information you send random.

Tips for Manage Your Online Shop Originally published in Shvoong:

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Principle of Criminal Justice

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
According to some sources and opinions of legal experts, we can conclude some principles that underlie the criminal justice system, among other things:
One. Principle of Legality (Legality principle); a principle which states that an act (criminal) can only be punished if before it was committed, there has been undang-undang/peraturan other written law which prohibits such acts done and threatened her also with crime or the punishment of the perpetrators . This principle is also known as the principle of nulla Poena Nullum Delictum Sine Lege Praevia Poenali.
2. Presumption of innocence (presumption of innocent), meaning that every person already indicted, arrested, detained, prosecuted and / or exposed in front of the court, shall be presumed innocent until a court decision stating his mistake and obtained permanent legal force.
3. The principle of equality before the law (equality before the law); This principle guarantees that everyone is treated equally before the law without distinction of color, race, religion, social status and gender.
Furthermore, will the authors point out also that in the implementation of the judicial process in Indonesia, also known as the principle of justice simple, speedy, and inexpensive, with descriptions as follows:
One. Simple can be understood as a process that is not long-winded, convoluted no winding no, not complicated, it is clear, straightforward, not interpretable, easily understood, easily implemented, easily applied, systematic, concrete both in the corner of seeking justice, as well as from the standpoint of law enforcement officials who have very different levels of qualifications, both in the field owned educational potential, socio-economic conditions, cultural and others.
2. Hurry, must be understood as a strategic effort to make the justice system as an institution that can guarantee the realization of / achievement of justice in law enforcement rapidly, both in results and in the evaluation of performance and productivity levels of the judicial institutions (police, judiciary, courts, correctional institutions, Advocate ). The speed of the process, results and evaluation are using the size parameters of the principles of correct and accurate. That is, right in the application of statutory provisions that are used as the basis of juridical (not in conflict with general legal principles that apply universally, such as derogate lex lex specialist generalist, etc.), right in selecting and sorting articles used, precise in determining the sociological framework (ensuring a sense of community justice, restoring and maintaining the social balance, has the benefit). Likewise, law enforcement actions should be careful, in the sense of containing elements of prudence, accuracy, sincerity, in the process, results and evaluation.
3. Cheap implies that seeking justice through the judiciary is simply not going to guarantee people have expectations of justice in it, but it should be no guarantee that justice is not expensive, can not be dimaterialisasikan justice, justice has an independent nature and free of other values that can obscure the value justice itself, justice can not be resold, justice is not a commodity, justice is not a utopian pessimism with a million words, justice can not be quantified in any form or type whatsoever, justice is a basic requirement for human beings who live in the world are universal.

Principle of Criminal Justice Originally published in Shvoong:

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The Tyranny of the Majority

On de Toqueville’s “The Tyranny of the Majority”
Is there greater wisdom and intelligence in an agglomeration of men rather than a single individual? Is that number of men of greater importance than their quality? “The Tyranny of the Majority” by Alex de Tocqueville questions the essence of democracy–majority–and assails it for the tyranny it creates. How can one possibly live by the rule of the majority when politics and government is not only swayed by, but comprised of, customs, passions, and the general convictions of the ruling body? When a nation is ruled by the majority the question of what, or who the majority is must surely arise. How can majority rule when a nation is divided into several irreconcilable factions? In the United States, where such factions abide, according to de Tocqueville, all parties are willing to recognize the rights of the majority because they all hope to turn these rights to their own advantage at some future time. Naturally, when the rights of one majority increases, the rights of others decrease. When a notion is adopted by a majority those who disagree are free of body to do so but their soul is enslaved. As for the notion that with a greater jumble of men comes greater knowledge and thereby a greater ability for that jumble of men to govern, de Tocqueville argues that if a man possessing absolute power may misuse that power, then why should a majority not be liable to the same reproach? Men’s character does not change by agglomeration, nor does their patience–when confronted with obstacles–increase with their strength.
When an individual or party is wronged in the United States by the majority there is no one to
apply to for reconciliation, for every power is controlled by that majority which has made the offence. “However iniquitous or absurd the evil of which you complain may be, you must submit to it as well as you can.” No body of persons has intelligence enough to rule with an omnipotent
hand. It must have proper obstacles to check and retard its course. In the United States, where majority is not only accommodated, but served by all parties who lie in wait with anticipation of their own accrual, there is no hindrance which can impede its advancement toward its own ambitions that are not necessarily beneficial to all that are ruled by the majority. Nor is there anything that can cause the majority to heed the complaints of all those who are crushed upon its path. The law is unstable and the nation is subject to acts of iniquity, even such as those in nations where the absolute command is conferred upon a king, an aristocracy, a monarchy or any other uncontrolled power. Absolute command is absolute no matter the body on which it is bestowed. With the tyranny of such a majority in the United States you may be free to divert in opinion from others and even voice that opinion but it would be much advised not to do so. You will become an alien among your people. You will be shunned even by those whose opinions
coincide with yours, for they do not seek to be shunned as well. Your very existence will be looked down upon and it all will have been for naught. It does not matter what you think. The government is not a slave to your passions but to the majority’s. You are free to chose but in making that choice you may also be consummating a fate worse than death.
The Tyranny of the Majority Originally published in Shvoong:

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Welfare State

History has proven that the more a group of people depends on their government the more control that government has over them. When Rome began to fail, the Roman government began to push welfare to ensure loyalty of the population. In today's American the Welfare system provides jobs and destroys families.

“A letter came in the mail today.” my friend John said to me, holding it in his hand. The letter was from the Social Security Administration. The letter told John that according to the SSA's records he made over $1400.00 in July. John is only aloud to made $700.00 month before his wife's Government funded Medical Insurance is compromised. John knew what he was getting into before he married Mell, but never realized that the whole system is stacked against them. “I quit a good job working for Disney as an Animator, because I knew I would not be able to afford Mell's medications. I make less than $600.00 a month and SSA is saying I make $1400.00. I should have never left my Job. You try to play their game and you can't even pay the rent.” John's story is not uncommon in a system built to trap as many Americans in its grasp.

A great example of of the welfare system trapping some one in it's tentacles is Jessica Hail. She has become trapped int the same way as Mell and John. Only her priorities and vary different. Mell and John place shelter at the top of their expenses. Jess and her new husband Dan choose to be living out side and use the money they save to pay off bills. But Jess only get's $300.00 from SSI. Her husband Dan just got a new job but before that he was working as a school bus driver which only provides an income nine months out of the year. Which made him dependant of the Welfare system through unemployment.
When a people become too reliant on their government that same government tends to take advantage of those in need. John is being oppressed because our American Government knows that if Mell and others like her can get out from under the foot of a Welfare State, jobs well be lost. After all the Welfare System in America employs more workers than any other employer and in this economy no one wants to loose their job.

The American Welfare System is crippling America with one benefit check at a time. As the number of recipients continue to grow, less Americans are driven to be independent. Moreover, the money that is being spent is tax payers money. If those who are receiving benefits are not required to pay taxes on them and the the number of recipients are going up, it seems clear that the Welfare is nothing more than a black hole that Americans get trapped in. No new income goes into the economy, because the government does not want you to find a job that can get you out of the trap. These reasons make Welfare is a cancer on American culture.
Welfare State Originally published in Shvoong:

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Business Insurance - Risk Management for Your Company

Business insurance is a device with regard to chance supervision in which lets companies turn the risk of a damage over to a good insurance organization. If you are paying a generally small high quality for the plan organization, the business would secure itself from your possibility of having a much greater economic hit.

Organizations of most natures need to make sure towards these kinds of risks, issues such as thievery, natural disasters, shoots, demise, common mishaps, and or the particular disability of these staff. Business insurance coverage will be particularly required for small companies. Frequently, the actual modest business proprietor(azines) complete savings are committed to the firm, getting the operator(azines) need to take precautions in order to safe his / her loved ones from your financial problems that could potentially interrupt office functions, cut earnings, or even cause the business to seal.

Coverage need to enhance a little organizations accomplishment by reducing some of the questions by which that works. That lies the possibility chance of financial load elsewhere so your person(s) in control can concentrate the fundamental attentiveness around the establishment. In fact, the particular rates covered most types of insurance are believed tax deductible institution costs.

The majority of major businesses retain the services of over a danger management expert to locate and create ideal intends to cope with the risks at hand, but many tiny office owners usually take the chance management career upon by themselves. Even though it is rather achievable in order to prevent, believe most risks, or decrease lots of risks, only a number of businesses may really afford to guard on their own in full without buying some sort of office insurance. Although plenty of little organizations nowadays don't have any insurance or even tend to be under-insured.

Business Insurance - Risk Management for Your Company Originally published in Shvoong:

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Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

If you are not wealthy or you keep coming up short financially and don't for the life of you understand why, then you are called upon to read T. Harv Eker's book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. This book will guide you to the discovery of the one thing that has been alluding you probably for your lifetime - learning exactly what your money blueprint is. Money blueprint you say. Yes, we all have one. What is a money blueprint? It is how you were programmed and conditioned with respect to money. This is what you have learned from your circle of influence that includes your parents or grandparents, your religion, your culture and a few things more.
This book will uncover your money past and give you activities to help you reprogram your thoughts and actions that will help you turn things around for yourself financially. If you are married or with a partner, it will be beneficial for your both of you to go through this book together and find out each other's money blueprint which will no doubt help stop any further money fights you may have in your relationship. If you want to solve this problem, and learn for once and for all how to get rich, you owe it to yourself to read T. Harv Eker's book.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Originally published in Shvoong:

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White hair reflecting the vulnerability stress


White hair reflecting the vulnerability stress

Japanese researchers have confirmed that the white hair is not only a manifestation of the prestige and dignity, but the index reflects the extent of vulnerability to stress.

A Japanese study has linked the emergence of gray hair on the human exposure to difficult circumstances and a sense of psychological pressure.

The scientists explained that, when subjected to the harsh conditions of the stem cells are responsible for providing the damage of natural hair color, which causes gray hair.

The study confirmed that the particles of hair can be subjected to pressure, which affects in turn the genetic DNA damage in the body, adding that the cells exposed to DNA constant by factors such as harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Researchers believe that gray hair is one of the most visible signs of aging and damage to the stem cells responsible to provide the particles of natural turquoise hair.

White hair reflecting the vulnerability stress Originally published in Shvoong:

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According to meditation in the treatment of insomnia in humans


According to meditation in the treatment of insomnia in humans

U.S. researchers reported that meditation may be useful in the treatment of insomnia in humans; it improves the quality of their sleep and increase the length of its duration.

The results indicated that meditation in patients with insomnia have contributed to improve sleep and reduce the time spent by the individual itself involved in sleep, it also improved sleep-related factors such as the length of waking up, and the effectiveness of sleep and depression, which affects those persons.

The study team, which included specialists from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, a study involving a group of individuals who are between the ages of 25-45 years, all of them suffering from insomnia "difficulty in sleeping", which did not arise from disease factors or environmental factors or psychological factors.

Participants were distributed into two groups, where they underwent the first group of individuals for the program hopes to kind of exercises by "yoga", while the second group of persons in educative about ways to improve the health status of nutrition and appropriate exercise, as to sensitize them to the proper methods on how to deal with anxiety and tension.

According to meditation in the treatment of insomnia in humans Originally published in Shvoong:

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Different types of children

Anyone who has spent time with or around children will notice that each one has a special personality all of their own. Children, like adults, have different traits that make up their personalities. Experts have researched this phenomenon in detail and classified children into different categories. The three categories that most experts agree with have been named “flexible,” “fearful,” and “feisty.” Children generally may have similar interests, but the way they interact and deal with these interests displays their personality type.
The first personality type is called flexible. This is the most common of the three types. About 40 percent of all children fall into the flexible or easy group. These children usually handle feelings of anger and disappointment by reacting mildly upset. This does not mean that they do not feel mad or disappointed; they just choose to react mildly. These actions mean the flexible child is easy to take care of and be around. They usually adapt to new situations and activities quickly, are toilet-trained easily, and are generally cheerful. Flexible children are subtle in their need for attention. Rather than yelling and demanding it, they will slowly and politely let their caregiver know about the need. If they do not get the attention right away, they seldom make a fuss. They patiently wait, but they still make it known that they need the attention. These children also are easygoing, so routines like feeding and napping are regular.
The next temperament is the fearful type. These are the more quiet and shy children. This makes up about 15 percent of children. They adapt slowly to new environments and take longer than flexible children when warming up to things. When presented with a new environment, fearful children often cling to something or someone familiar. Whether it is the main caregiver or a material object such as a blanket, the fearful child will cling to it until they feel comfortable with the new situation. This can result in a deep attachment of the child to a particular caregiver or object. Fearful children may also withdraw when pushed into a new situation too quickly. They may also withdraw when other children are jumping into a new project or situation they are not comfortable with. These children may tend to play alone rather than with a group.

The third temperament type is called feisty. About 10 percent of children fit into this category. A feisty child expresses their opinions in a very intense way. Whether they are happy or mad, everyone around them will know how they feel. These children remain active most of the time, and this causes them to be very aggressive. Feisty children often have the tendency to have a negative persistence and will go on and on nagging, whining and negotiating if there is something they particularly want. Unlike flexible children, feisty children are irregular in their napping and feeding times, but they do not adapt well to changes in their routines. They get used to things and won’t give them up. Anything out of the ordinary could send them into some type of fit. If these children are not warned of a change, they may react very negatively. Feisty children also tend to be very sensitive to their surrounding environment. As a result, they may have strong reactions to their surroundings.
Generally speaking, children can be divided into three groups, but caregivers must not forget that each child is an individual. Children may have the traits of all three of the personality groups, but they are categorized into the one they are most like. Whatever their temperament, children need to be treated according to their individual needs. When these needs are met appropriately the child will be happier, and those around the child will feel better also. Knowing the general personality types and how to react to them will help to make the caregiver’s job much easier and aid in the relief of unnecessary stress.
Different types of children Originally published in Shvoong:

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Essay on how TV has a negative effect on children

Opinion Essay TELEVISION HAS A NEGATIVE EFFECT ON CHILDREN’S BEHAVIOUR By Natalia Chiacchiari Television has proved to be one of the most appealing electronic devices to arrive at million homes worldwide and probably children are the most magnetized by its magic. Little doubt is raised about broadcasters regarding children as one of the largest target groups among TV’s outstanding audience. However, how good is TV for children? Although it is widely known that violence always existed, it has never become so explicit on TV. The mere thought that children may have access to such tremendous acts of violence makes one wonder if they could ever imagine these things without television. Surely “the telly” is not a hundred percent to blame for children’s bad behaviour nowadays, though in my view, it is one of the main factors. Whenever TV is turned on, one is likely to see a parade of killings, bombings, assaults, bloodshed and so on and so forth, taken either from fiction or real life, in movies or in the news. Difficult is for adults to avoid catching at least an involuntary glimpse at these horrid scenes, let alone for children, whose curiosity is that of a cat. From my point of view, the growing rate of juvenile delinquency in the last decades (as reported by the U.S. Office of Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention) and the ever-increasing display of violence, sex and drugs on TV have somehow gone hand in hand. Leaving aside the economic and social factors that definitely lead children to misbehaviour, it is also clear that TV encourages children to act up. Even toddlers often regard what is shown on TV as absolutely normal and run of the mill actions. Middle-aged and youngsters in their twenties can now tell the difference between present programmes and the TV shows they used to watch when children. Certainly, old shows, which are probably “old hat” for third millennium’s off springs, were far more naïve. Still, not only did they invite children to boost their imagination but also entertained them to the highest degree.

Furthermore, broadcasters were quite concerned for instilling morals into their youngest audience. To conclude, it is worth to point out that no violence was ever required to entertain. It gives the impression that TV producers started to employ violence overnight as their only resource to balance the lack of valuable ideas. All of a sudden, the kind-hearted imaginary superheroes were “overthrown” by real life avengers performing real life actions. Reality overcame fiction and once-hidden bitter feelings (such as feeling resentful about society and with a strong desire of taking revenge for whatsoever wrong was done to them) started to awake in the audience eventually affecting people’s own thoughts and children’s raw minds. On top of that, little surprise and amusement is left for children given that TV no longer provides the ever-promised world of fantasy that used to enchant them. On the other hand, it is common to see children trying to imitate the behaviour of a character in a show they have seen, due to TV’s involvement in social life. For sure, children do this as part of a game. At the same time, it is often heard of children committing adult-like crimes: children rob a bank, children assault elder man, children kill a toddler. Wondering if all this misbehaviour arises out as a game would not be unusual. Still, has TV’s influence on children gone this far?
Essay on how TV has a negative effect on children Originally published in Shvoong:

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Black Skin White Masks

A distinguished French Caribbean African psychiatrist and writer who was a member originally of the French Negritude group but soon rejected their philosophy and developed his own theory of racial and colonial theory. Franz Fanon, a French Martiniquan writer, published Black Skin White Masks as his first treatise on the effects of Racism and colonialization. Both a memory and a political treatise, Black Skins White Masks is a work illustrating the marginalization and servitude of the Black experience in the Western world. About his experience in Lyon as a member of the French Resistance, this book discusses how language is itself a dominating force against equal racial relations. He argues that language has become a testimony for the power imbalance and reassertment of difference in society. By speaking the language of the colonizers, the colonized continue to allow for their own enslavement through a kind of cultural imprisonment. Fanon, greatly influenced the later workings of Michel Foucault and his discussion of hegemonic power in language and culture. Fanon speaks of how the ‘Antilles Negro’ should reject the language and cultural traditions of their aggressor (France) and find their own culture which is separate from that of the colonial bourgeosie. Fanon argues that the colonial bourgeosie’s imitation of their French equivalent keeps the Antilles and other Caribbean ‘native’ culture oppressed through their own lukewarm attempt at emulating French society. According to Fanon, the colonized intellectuals will never empower themselves until they break from the valorization of French language and culture and begin to separate themselves from it.
Black Skin White Masks Originally published in Shvoong:

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Summary of “a Photograph” – by Shirley Toulson

Monday, January 10, 2011
The cardboard; here it refers to the photo frame; showed the speaker how life was when the two cousin sisters went paddling; to propel or travel in a canoe or the like by using a paddle: to row lightly or gently with oars: to move by means of paddle wheels, as a steamer: to propel with a paddle: to spank or beat with or as with a paddle: to stir, mix, or beat with or as with a paddle: to convey by paddling, as a canoe: here it means walked barefoot in shallow water; with each one of them holding the speaker’s mother’s hands. The bigger girl of the cousin sisters must be about twelve years old. All three of them stood still shoulder to shoulder to smile through their long hair at the camera whose picture was taken by the uncle holding it. The mother had a sweet and pleasant smile before her child was born into this world. The sea in which they were paddling; which seemed to not have been changed; washed their terribly transient; not lasting, enduring, or permanent; transitory: lasting only a short time; existing briefly; temporary: staying only a short time: here it means short lived; wet feet.

After twenty to thirty years later, the mother took out the photograph and laughed at the snapshot. The two cousin sisters were Betty and Dolly. She found it so hilarious at the manner that they dressed up for the beach. The sea holiday was her past for the mother while it was laughter for the speaker. Both mother and daughter wry; produced by a distortion or lopsidedness of the facial features: abnormally bent or turned to one side; twisted; crooked: devious in course or purpose; misdirected; contrary; perverse: distorted or perverted, as in meaning: bitterly or disdainfully ironic or amusing; at the labored ease of loss. But now the mother has been dead for the past few years just as one of those cousin sisters’ lives. Out of all these circumstances, there is nothing else left to say. The matter is closed and silence has sealed its fate.
Summary of “a Photograph” – by Shirley Toulson Originally published in Shvoong:

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Summary of William Shakespeare's-'the Seven Ages of Man'

‘The Seven Ages of Man’ is taken from William Shakespeare’s famous play, ‘As You Like It’ (Act-II, Scene-VII), describes the seven phases in a man’s life-from childhood to old age. The world is but a global stage and all men and women presented here are mere puppets in the hands of destiny. Just like the infrastructures of a stage, the world has its own entrances and exits. Every man in his full lifetime has many parts to play. His total number of acts in his lifetime is the seven ages.

The first and foremost act of every human being is the stage of infancy, where he makes his presence felt by crying at the top of his voice and many a times vomiting any food or drink that is repulsive, at the nursing arms of his mother. This period normally last till four years of age. The second stage is the ‘whining’ schoolboy where he learns to utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint. His shiny morning face and his satchel; a small bag, sometimes with a shoulder strap; he creeps like a snail and not willing to go to school.

The third stage is his early youth, the peak of love and high romance. He sighs like a burning furnace and sings the sad ballads of romance; full of woe; affected with, characterized by, or indicating woe: woeful melodies; to impress his lover’s heart. The impression of her reply can be seen in her eyebrows. The fourth stage is that of a soldier where life if full of obligations, commitments, compliances, oaths and vows. His beard is like a leopard or panther. He endlessly fights for his honor, a full presence of mind which is sudden and quick in quarrel and a heart to maintain a dignified reputation.

The fifth stage is the adult-hood where a man tries to live a fair and justified life. His belly becomes bigger than normal. He is conscious about his diet and consumes a good intake of ‘capon’; a cockerel castrated to improve the flesh for use as food. His eyes are severe with seriousness and his beard is leveled to a formal cut. He is to take a lot of correct decisions to keep up with the ever changing times. So this stage is the most powerful stage in life.

The sixth stage is the middle-age. Here is where he prepares himself for the next level in life i.e. old age. He learns to relax from the hustles of life. His strength begins to weaken and spends more time within the roof of his house. He looks like a buffoon and an old fool in his rugged old slippers. He hangs his spectacles on his nose for reading and all his youthful hose; a flexible tube for conveying a liquid, as water, to a desired point; saved for the world too wide. His shank begins to shrink with time; the part of the lower limb in humans between the knee and the ankle; leg. Even his voice begins to descend to a lower tone. In his free time, he smokes his pipe and whistles his matured melodies.

The last stage is the old-age where he enters his second childhood. It is also the beginning of the end of his eventful history. It is also the stage of oblivion; the state of being completely forgotten or unknown; the state of forgetting or of being oblivious; official disregard or overlooking of offenses; He is without everything; without teeth, eyes and taste.
Summary of William Shakespeare's-'the Seven Ages of Man' Originally published in Shvoong:

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Frugal Shopping Tips ,Through the Online Store

We have had many pop stores that sell cheap shoes online, which previously dominated by traditional stores are more scattered in the markets and roadside. The question is whether the advantages and disadvantages of each of these stores, more advantages or disadvantages in comparison.

For guys and girls who are looking for shoes, must often choose which questions arise between shopping at a shoe store or shopping online to a traditional store alias stores trading at the market and roadside. Let us discuss what the advantages and disadvantages of each type of store.

Some of the advantages of cheap shoe stores online sell when compared to physical stores:

* Save Time - for the sellers who sell shoes online, this is a major advantage considering the traffic conditions in big cities Indonesia is very bad. The time in the saving can be used for things which are more useful such as sports, chat with children and families.

* Easy Reach - for you that where the traditional shoe shop is not available in the vicinity of where you live, then the event buy cheap shoes much easier and affordable.

* More Affordable - no need to rent a store operating costs, renovations, electrical, civil etc., then usually the price offered is likely to be far less expensive.

Some disadvantages of selling shoes online, one of them is fit and shoe size will fit legs? Actually it was the standard shoe size, only a small portion of the shoe that has no standard size, so it should not be a problem. Although sometimes the size can not fit, most sellers do not mind swapping for shoe sizes.

So far it seems cheap online shoe store has more advantages than traditional stores, so it all back again to the personal bro & sis respectively, according to the level of convenience and shopping habits

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Latest Trends in Fashion Model

For style fashion fashion trends 2011, it will be very interesting to us refer to the number of clothes that make the audience sensual fashion 2011 will be satisfied in the latest styles.

For this fashion will certainly enjoyed by many people who want to look perfect and fashionable.

Indeed, many women are very happy with the latest fashion so that they can say pretty, sexy, graceful, and also fashionable in the day-to-day appearance.

Latest fashion woman in 2011 almost every year in the surgery by the designers to display the latest trends. And usually the show is held at the end of the month, before the new year begins.

For the Dress Trend 2011, Find-looking dresses for prom night is always so busy its own for girls who want to appear cool.

No wonder really, prom night event it once in a lifetime moment, and probably the last day where you can style in front of your friends or boyfriend.
So preparation is very necessary. Actually, the style of prom dress this year is not far away from the more trendy styles.

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Opening a Business from Hobby into a Home Business

Leaving open a home business from a hobby is fun. In addition to producing the coffers of money that much, you really enjoy what you do.

Many advantages in running a home business that started from a hobby or pleasure, first because it's easier to run. empire that came from this hobby would be easier to implement than a profession that does not come from a hobby.

In addition, we've trained, and most importantly, we do not view it as a burden. If you look at the job as a load, means doing the job twice. The first to do the work, and that both learn to love the job.

Let's Compare, two people who work as entrepreneurs engaged in the rental of sports equipment. Which one is addicted to sports.

Almost all types of sports he knew. He is also one who loves sports, often associating with athletes, could also follow a few championships, and always subscribe tabloid regular ball.

While the other is people who sometimes do sports, sometimes not. He only saw the huge business opportunities in the field of rental of heavy equipment.

Therefore, we tried to present the 4 businesses that can be done at home, the following tips:

1. Gift wrapping.
Tip: in running a home business like this, other than a place, you also will need a computer, printer, scanner and computer programs like Adobe or Corel DRAW Photosop to personalize your packaging sold.

2. Wedding Planner
Tip: in home business is to manage this home business you must have a reliable communications capability. Realizing the desire of the bride and the man is not easy. The most needed is a business card, computer and internet, telephones and mobile phones.

3. Translator.
Tip: in home business on this one other than the correct grammar, should also know the lingua franca that is often used for the results obtained is not too stiff.

4. Dealer Products.
Tip: in this home business try to become a member of one of these products. Because by becoming a member you have a double advantage, besides having a profit from the sale, you can find these items with special price-cheap-even from your distributor

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Know Batik and Learning about the Origin of Batik

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Batik (Batik or word) comes from Javanese language "amba", meaning to write and "nitik". Batik is made using canting or cap - and dyeing cloth using the color barrier material, "night" (wax) is applied over the fabric, so resist the entry of dye. In English, this technique is known as wax-resist dyeing.

So , Batik fabric is a fabric which has a decoration or pattern created by canting and cap by using the night as the color barrier material. This technique can only be applied on top of a material made from natural fibers such as cotton, silk, wool and can not be applied over the fabric with man-made fibers (polyester).

Javanese women in the past made their skills in batik clothing batik and batik blouses for a living, so in the past Solo Batik batik work is exclusively woman's work until the discovery of "Batik Cap" which allows the entry of men into the field. There are some exceptions to this phenomenon, namely the coastal batik masculine lines as can be seen in shades of "Mega Clouds", which in some coastal areas batik work is common for men. Variety of patterns and colors Batik Clothing Design influenced by various foreign influences.

European colonial nations are also taking interest in batik, and the result is a style previously unknown flowers (like tulips) and also the objects taken by the colonizer (the building or horse-drawn carriage), including their favorite colors like blue. Retain traditional batik pattern, and is still used in traditional ceremonies, because usually each style has a representation of each. Batik Clothing Design Techniques and batik has been known for thousands of years ago. There is no historical information is quite clear about the origin of Batik. Some suspect this technique comes from the Sumerian, then developed in Java after being taken by Indian traders. Currently batik can be found in many countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, and Iran. Besides in Asia, batik is also very popular in some countries on the African continent. However, batik, which is very famous in the world is batik from Indonesia, mainly from Java.

Batik is historically derived from ancestors, known since the seventeenth century, written and painted on palm leaves. At the moment motif batik pattern is still dominated by forms of animals and plants. But in its development history of batik have evolved, from painting motifs of animals and plants gradually turn to the abstract patterns that resemble a cloud, temple reliefs, wayang beber and so forth. Furthermore, through the merger of the painting with the art of decorating style clothing, batik art show as we know it today.

The type and style of traditional batik quite so much, but the patterns and variations in accordance with the philosophy and culture of each region are very diverse. Indonesia's cultural treasures so rich nation has been driving styles and types of traditional batik with the characteristics of specialty themselves.

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