If you are not wealthy or you keep coming up short financially and don't for the life of you understand why, then you are called upon to read T. Harv Eker's book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. This book will guide you to the discovery of the one thing that has been alluding you probably for your lifetime - learning exactly what your money blueprint is. Money blueprint you say. Yes, we all have one. What is a money blueprint? It is how you were programmed and conditioned with respect to money. This is what you have learned from your circle of influence that includes your parents or grandparents, your religion, your culture and a few things more.
This book will uncover your money past and give you activities to help you reprogram your thoughts and actions that will help you turn things around for yourself financially. If you are married or with a partner, it will be beneficial for your both of you to go through this book together and find out each other's money blueprint which will no doubt help stop any further money fights you may have in your relationship. If you want to solve this problem, and learn for once and for all how to get rich, you owe it to yourself to read T. Harv Eker's book.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Originally published in Shvoong:
If you are not wealthy or you keep coming up short financially and don't for the life of you understand why, then you are called upon to read T. Harv Eker's book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. This book will guide you to the discovery of the one thing that has been alluding you probably for your lifetime - learning exactly what your money blueprint is. Money blueprint you say. Yes, we all have one. What is a money blueprint? It is how you were programmed and conditioned with respect to money. This is what you have learned from your circle of influence that includes your parents or grandparents, your religion, your culture and a few things more.
This book will uncover your money past and give you activities to help you reprogram your thoughts and actions that will help you turn things around for yourself financially. If you are married or with a partner, it will be beneficial for your both of you to go through this book together and find out each other's money blueprint which will no doubt help stop any further money fights you may have in your relationship. If you want to solve this problem, and learn for once and for all how to get rich, you owe it to yourself to read T. Harv Eker's book.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Originally published in Shvoong: